Monday, February 11, 2013

Custom Barn and Home Building in Loudoun County - Historic Renovation Imagery

Custom Home Building and Barns in Loudoun

(Reposted from Made in Loudoun)

If you're out and about the scenic highways and byways of Loudoun County and points west, you may run across some absolutely gorgeous historic renovations in progress - for example this complete dismantling and period rebuild of a historic log barn.

Loudoun Custom Home, Bridestone Barn Nearly Finished

Loudoun Custom Home, Bridestone Barn, Underway

Carpenter Beach, a custom home builder in Loudoun County is hard at work on this, along with many other transformations of beautiful custom, country homes, barns and other outbuildings. Custom home building in Loudoun had slowed considerably during the economic downturn, but is picking up slightly, particularly where historic properties are concerned (that require timely renovation or custom repair).

Check out some other fabulous custom home building projects in Loudoun County and surrounding areas, on the Carpenter Beach website...

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